The Mediterranean Diet and Cholesterol

People whit high cholesterol levels should consider a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle that could help them control blood cholesterol.

The Mediterranean diet is not a “diet” per se….with this term we identify the traditional eating patterns of people living in countries bordered by the Mediterranean sea (Italy, Spain, Greece, Morocco).

Research has shown that the traditional Mediterranean diet could reduce the risk of heart problem.


The Mediterranean diet is ranked among the top #10 heart healthy diets.

The staple of the Mediterranean diet is to eat whole foods mostly plant based like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, nuts, legumes and a lower percentage of animal foods (mostly fish).

According to the Lyon Diet Heart Study subjects following the Mediterranean-style diet had the best heart health benefits.

Quick Start Guide

  • Cook “1 Meal Plates” (Plates that mix carbs and proteins together) i.e. Whole wheat pasta and beans
  • Make olive oil your primary source of dietary fat and use as a substitue of butter
  • Incorporate an abundance of food from plant sources, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds
  • Reduce the consumption of red meat and use legumes and soy as alternative protein sources
  • Eat low to moderate amounts of healthy fish (2 times a week)
  • Drink a moderate amount of wine [Optional]