What is the Normal Blood Pressure for Humans ?

The simple answer to this question is a systolic of 120 and a diastolic of 80, as these numbers are considered optimal. However, many factors go into determining what is considered normal, and one blood pressure reading should not be considered definitive. It is important to take many readings using different monitors to get a clear picture of what one’s blood pressure is.

Blood pressure readings should be taken several times a day and will vary to some degree. A normal blood pressure reading after exercise will likely be lower than one taken when at rest. Also, a reading taken after eating a large meal will likely be higher than at other times.

It is also a good idea to test using both arms, as sometimes readings will vary depending on which arm is tested. Again, an average of multiple readings taken over time at different points in the day is the best reflection of a persons true blood pressure.

Of note, the normal of 120/80 applies to full-grown adults only. Normal readings for children are lower. In infants the normal range is from 65/30 to 95/60, and for adolescents the normal range is about 10 to 15 points lower than adults.