Mediterranean Diet Menu to Maintain Healthy Skin

The Mediterranean diet is becoming well known for its potential to provide healthy dietary choices to help control weight and fight disease. The following paragraphs will discuss the most common foods in the Mediterranean diet and how they can help individuals maintain healthy skin and vibrant health.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
The basis of the Mediterranean diet is consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Many vegetables such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach are rich in vitamin A and other vital nutrients. Vitamin A is important for maintaining healthy skin because it helps keep the skin moist and elastic.

These vegetables are also high in antioxidants which help prevent premature aging of the skin. Fruits such as figs, blueberries, watermelons, and more help provide essential water, as well as additional vitamins and nutrients that promote vibrant skin.

Healthy Fats
Healthy sources of fat are an essential part of the Mediterranean diet as well. These sources include fatty fish such as salmon, as well as nuts, flaxseed, and avocados. The healthy fats in these foods not only provide fuel for the brain and the body’s other functions, but they also promote healthy, glowing skin. They provide important lubrication, which can help prevent wrinkles and keep moisture in proper balance.

It’s no secret that the Mediterranean diet makes room for a small glass of red wine each day. When consumed in moderation, a small amount of wine provides terrific antioxidant benefits and also promotes increased circulation. Having good circulation is one tip for maintaining healthy skin because it will provide that sought after glowing effect that comes with proper blood flow.

Sample Daily Menu
The following sample menu plan is just one example of foods to consume if a person wants to improve their skin and their overall health.

Wholegrain oats topped with fresh fruits such as blueberries
1 cup of low fat yogurt
6 ounces of fresh fruit juice with no added sugars

Handful of almonds or pistachios
Granola or other whole grain cold cereal

Garden salad with a splash of olive oil
Whole grain pasta with tomato and herb pesto sauce

Fresh fruit and low fat cottage cheese

Salmon filet on a bed of whole grain rice
Grilled asparagus spears
Strawberry and blueberry parfait with low fat yogurt
4 ounces red wine

Health behaviors to maintain healthy skin are easy to achieve with the Mediterranean diet. Since it consists of foods that are not only nutritious but also delicious, it is easy to achieve positive changes for optimal health and beautiful skin.