20 Ways to Cut Calories for a Better Breakfast

So many indulge in a daily breakfast that is high in calories and far from nutritious, but there are easy ways to cut calories out of breakfast without having to settle for boring. Below are 20 ways to alter your morning meal that will keep your tastebuds happy and your calorie-counting mind at ease.

1. Give your 100 calorie per tablespoon butter the boot and go with olive oil or zero calorie canola oil spray for pan-frying.

2. Drop the yolk and drop 50 calories. Switch to egg whites and you’re down to only 20 calories.

3. Prepare omelets with nutritious lower-calorie peppers and onions instead of higher-calorie meats and cheeses.

4. Add water instead of milk when scrambling for light and fluffy eggs with less calories.

5. Look for lean turkey bacon for only 20 calories per slice and say good-bye to pork bacon at 100 calories per slice.

6. Have deli-ham for 40 calories per slice as a tasty substitute for a 100 calorie slice of bacon.

7. Go Greek and top your bagel with protein-packed Greek yogurt instead of cream cheese.

8. Add almond milk instead of cow’s milk to your meal for only 40-45 calories per cup.

9. Skim calories with skim milk which carries 70 less calories per cup than whole milk.

10. Top your waffle or pancakes with applesauce at only 40 calories per 100 grams instead of maple syrup at 261 calories per 100 grams.

11. Get the same sweet satisfaction from honey which gets the job done with a smaller amount than maple syrup.

12. Shake on calorie-free cinnamon instead of sugar for added flavor to any cereal or oatmeal.

13. Try no calorie sweetener instead of sugar in your coffee.

14. Use ice in morning smoothies instead of milk to cut out calories.

15. Favor jams over butter with 50% less calories and a wider variety.

16. Choose whole grain foods which fill you faster so you’ll eat less.

17. Replace the milk in your oatmeal with frozen fruit and water for less calories and more variety.

18. Eat your fruits and pass on the juice. Fruits are more filling and lower in calories than their juices.

19. Indulge in a bowl of fresh fruit than less-filling higher-calorie cereal.

20. Practice calorie-cutting on the run by requesting sugar-free flavored syrups, fat-free milk and/or a little Splenda or Truvia at coffee shops.