Do You Really Need the P.I.N.K. Diet Method to Lose Weight?

What is the PINK Method Diet?

PINK (Power, Intensity, Nutrition and Cardio with a K) promotes weight loss for women through exercise and healthy eating. The system comes with a 240-page nutritional guide with recipes and menu options, three workout DVDs, a bonus workout DVD that features yoga, PINK Method certificate, lifetime access to the program online, 82-day full program, PINK Method wristband to use for daily motivation, trainer and nutrition support, diet plans, daily tracking tools and an online community.

The three workout DVDs will help you build a strong base and core, get that chiseled look and push you further than you thought was possible. The diet plan starts by jump-starting your metabolism and then reintroduces the body to high-energy foods, which fuels physical activity. The diet will also teach you how to keep the pounds off and maintain a healthy weight.

Does the PINK Method Diet Really Work?

According to several online reviews, the PINK Method diet has helped many women lose weight. Some women state, “I have lost 56 pounds, 32 inches and I am still losing” and “I am back to the weight I was when I met my husband 20 years ago.” People who stick to the PINK Method diet and eat the low-calorie, low-fat foods, and get plenty of exercise will succeed. As with almost any diet, you must commit yourself and stay committed in order to lose weight.

How Much Does the PINK Diet Cost?

The introductory price for the PINK diet is approximately $68.00 or two payments of $40.00 plus shipping and handling.

What Do You Eat on the PINK Diet?

A common day of eating on the PINK Method diet consists of one of three “PINK” smoothie drinks, lean proteins and fresh vegetables. One of the “PINK” drink smoothie recipes consist of blending 1 cup coconut, help, rice or almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein and 1 cup frozen fresh strawberries or unsweetened strawberries.

Instead of a smoothie for breakfast you can opt to eat 1/2 cooked oatmeal or 6 ounces of non-fat Greek yogurt or two slices of Canadian bacon and 1 cup raspberries, 1/2 grapefruit or one slice of sprouted-grain or gluten-free toast. You can drink coffee or green tea, too.

An example of a lunch includes a bowl of black bean and turkey chili or a veggie burger and a medium apple or a salad. Other PINK Method diet recipes consist of veggie rolls and citrus herb salmon.

How does the PINK Method Diet Differ from the Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean diet consists of healthy eating like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish, while limiting unhealthy fats.  Although there are many drawbacks to low carb diets like constipation, dehydration and heart disease risk. Fiber is often low on low carb diets which can cause constipation and water loss caused from loss carb diets can cause constipation. Eating foods that are high in saturated fat but low in carbs can increase risk for heart disease. Overall, the Mediterranean is better than the PINK Method diet.