Most Weight Loss Claims Are False
There are no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape. It takes a long-term commitment to diet and exercise to have a healthy body. There is a great deal of advertising about special diets, exercise machines, and supplements that claim to help burn fat. Some of these even claim it is possible to burn fat from a specific area on your body. These claims are all false.
Localized Fat Loss Does Not Exist
The human body stores fat in a uniform manner. It burns it off in the same way. Focusing exercises on a specific area of your body will not cause fat loss in that area. It will strengthen the muscles in the area. Lots and lots of situps will strengthen the abdominal section of your body and make it seem a little slimmer. It will not target the fat cells stored there.
Low Calorie Diets Will Cause an Unhealthy Weight Loss
If the amount of calories taken in is less than the amount used then the body will tap the fat it keeps to make up the difference. Too much of a calorie deficit will cause an unhealthy weight loss that includes muscle as well as fat. The healthy choice is to slowly lose the weight and get into shape through a healthy diet and exercise.
As the Human Body Ages, the Metabolism Slows Down
As the human body ages, the metabolism slows down and there is a loss of muscle mass. The best way to counter this is with weight training a couple of times a week. Engage in a full body workout to benefit all your major muscle groups rather than attempting to focus on particular body parts.
Combine this with a good cardiovascular conditioning program to help burn fat (Walking 30-60 min. a day is good). Given enough time, this combination will make a big difference in the fat to muscle ratio in your body. Your weight may stay the same since muscle is heavier than fat, but your body will look very different.
You’ll Need a Sound Diet (Get it Here)
Making your food choices from the proper food groups will assist you in eating a healthy diet. You need to eat fruit and whole grains with every meal. Lunch and dinner should have a healthy portion of vegetables with a lean protein source like fish or legumes.
A healthy snack consists of nuts or seeds and some fruit. Choose healthy drinks to accompany your meals, like juices in the morning and soy milk with your other meals.
Avoid foods that are excessively sweet or high in saturated fats and calories. Examples of these are candy bars, sodas, and fast foods. It is also a good idea to stay away from red meat and processed meats. Minimize your intake of low fat cheese, white meats, and eggs.
Do Not Trust Who Tells You There are Quick Fixes to Lose Weight
Following these recommendations consistently for a significant length of time will result in positive changes in your health and the overall appearance of your body. Do not be overly concerned with the scale and focus on eating healthy and getting some exercise every day.
The changes you desire in your body will happen only through time and dedication. There are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss.